When integrating Session Recording with Citrix Cloud you setup the on-premise configuration as if it was a local install. Then you will install a piece of middleware to link this to your Citrix Cloud account. Here are some quick steps for the installation process.
Session Recording Server Installation process
- Use PowerShell to install prerequisites on server. InstallPrereqsforSessionRecordingAdministration.ps1
- Install Broker_PowerShellSnapIn_x64.msi from CVAD installation media
- Install SessionRecordingAdministrationx64.msi from Session Recording download
- Select all options (Database is just the database connectivity tools)
- Specify your SQL server for Session Recording Data, and Logging databases
- Bind an SSL certificate to the IIS site created on Session Recording Server
- Download SRCloudClientService.msi from Citrix Cloud Session Recording portal
- Must be installed with /q
- Full command line for install is
msiexec /i “\SRCloudClientService.msi” CUSTOMERID=”Your cloud customer ID” CLIENTID=”For API you created” CLIENTSECRET=”For API you created”
Session Recording Agent Installation process
- User PowerShell to install prerequisites on VDA InstallPrereqsforSessionRecordingAgent.ps1
- Install SessionRecordingAgentx64.msi from Session Recording download
- During install enter the name of the Session Recording Server you created above
- If installing on a non-persistent machine place this powershell script on the machine GENRANDOMQMID.PS1
- Make sure that the execution policy is set to RemoteSigned or Unrestricted in PowerShell. Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- Create a scheduled task, set the trigger as on system startup, and run with the SYSTEM account on the PVS or MCS master image machine.
- Add the command as a startup task. powershell.exe -file <path>\GenRandomQMID.ps1